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The CMDF is a trust fund, whose purpose is to support the development of the Malaysian capital market.

The CMDF creates value through the support and funding of the right projects. These would be projects and initiatives that could demonstrate measurable value, such as by addressing or closing gaps within the Malaysian capital market.

The CMDF has four statutory objectives, which are:
  1. To promote and develop the Malaysian capital market to be efficient, innovative and internationally competitive;
  2. To develop and upgrade skills and expertise required by the Malaysian capital market;
  3. To develop and support high quality research and development programs and projects relating to the Malaysian capital market; and
  4. To develop self-regulation of professional associations and market bodies.

In addition, the CMDF Board, in its evaluation of submissions, would also consider whether the projects are:
  1. In line with national agenda;
  2. Relevant to meet the needs and priorities of a developing capital market; and
  3. Have a significant impact on the overall capital market.
The CMDF will prioritise projects that are in line with these key thrusts. This will enable industry to identify and develop projects that would address specific gaps and needs, and which would have a positive impact on meeting the broader needs of the overall capital market. Further, such projects are expected to fall within one of the four broad objectives of the CMDF.

With the above as the underlying philosophy, the CMDF hopes that any project it funds would assist in closing a gap and would benefit a wide segment of the market.

The CMDF encourages submissions from industry on projects that are in line with the above.