Make A Submission

- Eligibility. Institutions related and relevant to the capital market, whether local or foreign (foreign-based institutions must have a local office), are eligible to apply to the CMDF on projects that would develop Malaysia’s capital market in line with the objectives of the CMDF.
Submissions from individuals will not be entertained. Individuals and commercials organisations should work and submit their proposal via or in collaboration with relevant industry organization or association.
- Project Objective. Projects for CMDF’s consideration must meet at least one of the following objectives:
- Promotion of the Malaysian capital market to be efficient, innovative and internationally competitive
- Develop and upgrade skills and expertise
- Develop self-regulation
- Develop and support high quality research and development programmes and projects
Submissions should also take into consideration, the CMDF funding philosophy and ensure that their projects/proposals are in line with the CMDF objectives.
The ultimate beneficiary of the project must be the capital market industry, through the successful implementation/delivery of the project.
- Submission criteria. Submissions should also take into consideration the funding philosophy of the CMDF, where the following would also be taken into consideration, that:
- Projects must be in line with the statutory objectives
- Projects should be aligned with the national agenda, where appropriate and relevant
- Projects must be current and relevant to meet the future needs and priorities of the Malaysian capital market.
- Projects should have a significant impact on the overall capital market, and which could be measured, eg a concern is addressed or a gap is closed
- Projects should preferably impact a large section of the industry
- And where the CMDF is able to add value through the funding of projects (such as projects impacting public interest, where support from other sources may be difficult to obtain or may not be available)
- Applying to the CMDF. Applications must be made in writing, and should include, but not limited to, the following:
- Proposal or Business Plan for the project, programme or scheme, which should set out, but not be limited, to the following details:
- objectives of the project/programme/scheme
- Impact that the plan would have on the capital market
- Target audience(s) – investors or industry, etc
- Stakeholders and/or recipients of the plan
- Details of how the project/programme/scheme would work and be implemented
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), outlining the expected deliverables, timelines and milestones, etc
- Funding amount required, and its proposed disbursement
- Any other relevant or supporting information deemed relevant by the applicant.
- Pre- and post-submission consultation meeting can and will be arranged to provide both parties with the opportunity to seek clarification on the proposal and so that a preliminary assessment may be made by the CMDF Secretariat.
- Once the Secretariat is satisfied that all is in order, a final presentation to the CMDF Board will be arranged if appropriate.
5. Final decision. The CMDF has the final decision as to whether the proposal would meet the above points in its mandate of funding the developmental needs of the capital market.
For further information, contact the CMDF Secretariat at +603 62048959 or email [email protected]