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CMDF Board of Trustees

The Fund is administered by the Board of Trustees, whose members are appointed by the Minister of Finance.

The Chairman of the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) chairs the CMDF, given that the CMDF was established by the Capital Markets & Services Act, which is under the SC's purview. The Deputy Chief Executive of the SC sits as ex-officio and a senior representative from Bursa Malaysia also sits as a representative from the Exchange. The remaining four Board of Trustees comprise senior captains of industry, possess knowledge and experience in finance, business, law or any other relevant discipline, which will enable the CMDF to have a wide and robust outlook necessary, when evaluating projects and proposals for the effective development of the Malaysia's capital market.

The current CMDF Board of Trustees are:
  1. Dato' Mohammad Faiz Azmi
  2. Dato' Fad'l Mohamed
  3. Dato' Mohd Izani Ghani
  4. Datuk Dr Shahrazat Haji Ahmad
  5. Datuk Roslan Haji Tik
  6. Encik Jeyaratnam Tamotharam Pillai
The day-to-day administration and management of the CMDF is performed by the CMDF Secretariat.